Wednesday 2 November 2011

Promise will not go anywhere N stay with you all my life !

akhirnyer,.. blik jgx aq ke pqan,.. setelah mlalui plbagai rintgan di kL,..
aq bjaye mlarikan dri ke pqan,.. hubby, ' I'm back to0 you '
feel so happy coz dpt bmnje2 ngan hubby N promise takk kan tinggal kan hubb alone lgi,..
Know what - without you tak perfect life hunny,. - miz u a lot yunx ! even kne mara un coz tggl an hubb,..
hunn sabo je yunx,.. lastly,have inisiatif tok kembali di bawah ketiak hubby,.. <3<3 hahaha!!
epy masing2 punyer mke,..,> kann hubby :)) hunny alwayz beside you yunx !
arrrkhh ! ta sgke aq mnjadi lbih matured N positif thinking ble kat kL tue,.. maklom la, bgaul ngan owg dewase,. sgt bbeza N bru la aq tahu btape kusut nyer otak hubby tok pikir sal aq,..
" listen hubby ! for now on,.. my brain can be good N expand you know ! so, ape yg baik,buruk,can,can't not, N else hunn da bole beza n think,.. " so hunn will try ma best N glad to have you " CHAIRIL RIDZUAN BIN RAMLI "

very appriciated you N hope kite kekal selamanyer ~ !

<3 Hubby alwayz be in Hunny heart N sOul forever <3